Monday 7 January 2013

Taliban to behead 7 Pakistani soldiers kidnapped from bus

Taliban kidnapped seven Pakistani soldiers off of a transport bus in Punjab province.  We all know what happened to 21 Frontier Corp troops last week when the Taliban blatantly captured them when two checkpoints were overcome.

So, the only question left is this - will the Taliban execute these seven soldiers today or tomorrow?

Well, I guess I have one more question - when will the Pakistani government get enraged enough by this to bring the hammer down on these scumbags once and for all?

Meanwhile in GHQ Central, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Army Goon Generals during the Corps commander meetings are busy in commercial activities - share trading , houbara bustard hunting consultancy services, agri businesses- land leasing to Arabs, Heera Mandi Halal business, Marriage Hall leasing and decoration business etc etc

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